heat_tree() alias.
target_lab = NULL,
data_test = NULL,
task = c("classification", "regression"),
feat_types = NULL,
label_map = NULL,
target_cols = NULL,
target_legend = FALSE,
clust_samps = TRUE,
clust_target = TRUE,
custom_layout = NULL,
show = "heat-tree",
heat_rel_height = 0.2,
lev_fac = 1.3,
panel_space = 0.001,
print_eval = (!is.null(data_test)),
target_lab = NULL,
data_test = NULL,
task = c("classification", "regression"),
feat_types = NULL,
label_map = NULL,
target_cols = NULL,
target_legend = FALSE,
clust_samps = TRUE,
clust_target = TRUE,
custom_layout = NULL,
show = "heat-tree",
heat_rel_height = 0.2,
lev_fac = 1.3,
panel_space = 0.001,
print_eval = (!is.null(data_test)),
Dataframe or a `party` or `partynode` object representing a custom tree. If a dataframe is supplied, conditional inference tree is computed. If a custom tree is supplied, it must follow the partykit syntax: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/partykit/vignettes/partykit.pdf
Name of the column in data that contains target/label information.
Tidy test dataset. Required if `x` is a `partynode` object. If NULL, heatmap displays (training) data `x`.
Character string indicating the type of problem, either 'classification' (categorical outcome) or 'regression' (continuous outcome).
Named vector indicating the type of each features, e.g., c(sex = 'factor', age = 'numeric'). If feature types are not supplied, infer from column type.
Named vector of the meaning of the target values, e.g., c(`0` = 'Edible', `1` = 'Poisonous').
Character vectors representing the hex values of different level colors for targets, defaults to viridis option B.
Logical. If TRUE, target legend is drawn.
Logical. If TRUE, hierarchical clustering would be performed among samples within each leaf node.
Logical. If TRUE, target/label is included in hierarchical clustering of samples within each leaf node and might yield a more interpretable heatmap.
Dataframe with 3 columns: id, x and y for manually input custom layout.
Character string indicating which components of the decision tree-heatmap should be drawn. Can be 'heat-tree', 'heat-only' or 'tree-only'.
Relative height of heatmap compared to whole figure (with tree).
Relative weight of child node positions according to their levels, commonly ranges from 1 to 1.5. 1 for parent node perfectly in the middle of child nodes.
Spacing between facets relative to viewport, recommended to range from 0.001 to 0.01.
Logical. If TRUE, print evaluation of the tree performance. Defaults to TRUE when `data_test` is supplied.
Further arguments passed to `draw_tree()` and/or `draw_heat()`.
A gtable/grob object of the decision tree (top) and heatmap (bottom).
heat_tree(penguins, target_lab = 'species')
# \donttest{
x = galaxy[1:100, ],
target_lab = 'target',
task = 'regression',
terminal_vars = NULL,
tree_space_bottom = 0)
#> Warning: binary variable(s) 4 treated as interval scaled
# }
treeheatr(penguins, target_lab = 'species')
x = galaxy[1:100, ],
target_lab = 'target',
task = 'regression',
terminal_vars = NULL,
tree_space_bottom = 0)
#> Warning: binary variable(s) 4 treated as interval scaled