Create node layout using a bottom-up approach (literally) and overwrites ggparty-precomputed positions in plot_data.
position_nodes(plot_data, terminal_data, custom_layout, lev_fac, panel_space)
Dataframe output of `ggparty:::get_plot_data()`.
Dataframe of terminal node information including id and raw terminal node size.
Dataframe with 3 columns: id, x and y for manually input custom layout.
Relative weight of child node positions according to their levels, commonly ranges from 1 to 1.5. 1 for parent node perfectly in the middle of child nodes.
Spacing between facets relative to viewport, recommended to range from 0.001 to 0.01.
Dataframe with 3 columns: id, x and y of smart layout combined with custom_layout.